When was the last time you read through your estate planning documents? It is a good idea to read through your Trust, Will, Power of Attorney and CA Advanced Health Care Directive. With age, life seems to speed by faster each day and there are several questions you might want to ask yourself as you review your important documents.
1. Did you prepare your trust when you were married and now you are divorced and need to create your own estate planning documents?
2. Were your children minors and now they are adults and you want them to act on your behalf instead of another friend or relative?
3. Did someone you listed within your documents pass away or perhaps you are no longer in touch with them?
4. Did you refinance your home, buy a new home or a second property and put the title of these homes in the name of your trust?
5. Are you newly married, have you added children or grandchildren to your life?
There are so many reasons to take the time this weekend to review your important paperwork and see if any changes need to be made.
Great information to consider!